Concerns for young woman assaulted ‘in broad daylight’ by 6ft man at Carlow estate

The man is described as being aged 25 to 30 years, is 6ft tall and has brown hair

The Downs, Carlow

Níall Feiritear

A man with a ‘step’ hair cut is believed to have assaulted a woman in broad daylight at a housing estate in Carlow.

It is understood the alleged incident occurred last Thursday, May 2, at 11am at the main access route to The Downs Estate on the Pollerton Road.

A man was reported “behaving aggressively towards the 16 to 20 year old who was in his company,’” and he is then said to have assaulted her.

The man is described as being aged 25 to 30 years, 6ft tall and with brown hair in a ‘step cut’ style.

He was wearing a blue jacket with a white emblem on the left breast and left sleeve, and a dark grey tracksuit bottom, kclr96fm report.

The woman is thought to be 5ft 6 with long blonde hair, brushed to the front, and wearing a navy sleeveless anorak, with the hood up, over a beige baggy jumper.

Garda Superintendent Anthony Farrell stated “This is an isolated incident that occurred in broad daylight in a large residential area in Pollerton. We have concerns for the girl involved in this incident and are trying to reach out to her to see that she is OK.

“Maybe you were passing the area at the time and saw someone unusual or indeed witnessed the incident.

"Enquires so far have not identified either person. Indeed, if you are the young woman who was assaulted, please have the confidence and trust to come forward and let us know you are OK.

"If you have any information that would support this identification An Garda Síochána Carlow would appreciate a call, (059) 9136620.”

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